WAY TO GO: Paths Of Life
The project "WAY TO GO- paths of life” aims at motivating, through new innovative ways of teaching and learning, pupils to develop new life skills so that they can walk along "paths of life "with a keener eye to the future.
Everyone's tree of life starts growing from their roots which are the historic background of their families, their hometown and their countries. Strong bonds with Culture and Nature are those determining factors which make this tree even more robust and fruitful.
A worthwhile walking and a fruitful living are inextricably associated with the principles of "lifelong learning" and "learning to learn". The project wants to motivate pupils to get involved in this process of learning which needs to be expanded outside the classroom in various learning environments including cooperation and interaction with others. Pupils will walk along the paths of History, Culture and Nature and will mark their own routes, building knowledge as individual learners through research, problem- solving and initiative- taking and thus enjoying the fruits of knowledge and not just receiving knowledge by conventional forms of teaching.
WAY TO GO: Paths Of Life
Way To Go ...Istanbul
Way To Go ...Madrid
Way To Go ...One Week in Finland
Way To Go ...Greece April 2016